26 January 2010

The Journey Here

At last I am getting around to setting one of these up. Have been in Hong Kong not even 3 days and have been constantly on the move, it seems.

Plane ride from KC to Newark was too cloudy to see a lot, but pretty spectacular. Seeing the sun rise from over 10000 feet was one of the most breathtaking sights I had seen (at least until I got to campus). The clouds were fairly heavy all day, though, so not a lot of land visibility.

Layover in Newark was killer. The airport there is massive and very architecturally interesting. Open floor plan with glass everywhere. The Statue of Liberty and Central Park in NYC were visible on takeoff. Plane ride was 16 hours to HK and took us over the north pole. On arrival I got introduced to a bunch of other exchanges. Got invited to a trip to Macau (Asian Vegas). More on that later, though.

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