18 March 2010

A Less Exciting Update

Midterms have rolled around. Three next week, and then on the following Tuesday 31/3 I will be heading to Bangkok and Cambodia for break.

And since it's Thursday, it's go-out-and-try-a-new-restaurant day! I have a big list of vegetarian restaurants that I've been going to each Thursday. So far I have yet to be disappointed.

Been spending a lot of my free time planning the summer's backpacking. Thirty days seems like a long time, but it's nowhere near enough to do this country justice. I won't even be able to explore the western half. But, my Tour de China does take me by such scenic places as  Jiuzhaigou, Zhangjiajie (look familiar... it should if you've seen Avatar), as well as several major cities, and some more historic places. And I have a good excuse to come back, not having seen any of the western half.

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