09 May 2010


It's crazy how fast this semester has gone. Only one week remains of classes. I've made a lot of good friends from all over the world and I hope I can stay in touch with them the next few years, maybe even visit a few.

This Friday I leave for Taipei, where I will stay for four days doing sightseeing. Everyone who has gone thus far said the people were the friendliest and most helpful that they had met in Asia. We'll visit Taipei 101, the world's former tallest building until it was surpassed by the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Also going to some night markets, eating lots of local cuisine, and most likely hitting up some scenic areas.

Upon return I'll settle into finals before embarking on my monthlong expedition into mainland China. Starting in Beijing I will zigzag my way south seeing all of the major tourist sights (Great Wall, World Expo, the Bund, Terra Cotta Warriors) in the first 12 days before going off the beaten path. I am hoping at some point to find a homestay in a village. There are a couple mountains I'd like to scale as well and a ton of scenery worth seeing. And food, of course. I will be making a stop in Chongqing specifically to try their renowned hot pot.

It should be an enlightening experience and I am sure to meet some interesting people.

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